The Artisans at Work experience means discovering a trade or a practice that is rooted in traditional know-how that has endured and evolved over time. It is to have the privilege of meeting and learning from a passionate artisan. It is to enjoy an enriching and authentic experience in an ÉCONOMUSÉE®, a HERITAGE SPACE, a CULINARY SPACE, a WORKSHOP, a SHOP or a DESTINATION. In addition to offering an authentic experience, the artisans in the network produce and market products from the arts and crafts and bio-food industries. Visitors have the opportunity to enhance their experience by purchasing local products made by these Artisans at Work.
An ÉCONOMUSÉE® is an enterprise that showcases artisans and their traditional crafts by sharing their know-how with visitors. The opportunity to meet a passionate artisan is at the heart of the ÉCONOMUSÉE® experience.
A HERITAGE SPACE is an enterprise that enables a practice of intangible heritage to live on and endure through visitors experiencing or learning about said practice. Meeting and learning from a passionate artisan can be at the heart of the HERITAGE SPACE experience.
A CULINARY SPACE is an enterprise that allows visitors to experience a traditional culinary practice, a typical dish or a product from the local culinary identity by sharing it with them. Meeting and learning from passionate artisans and tasting their products are at the heart of the experience in a CULINARY SPACE.
A WORKSHOP is a business in which an artisan or artisans make products using traditional techniques or skills specific to their trade. Meeting with a passionate artisan is at the heart of the WORKSHOP experience.
A DESTINATION is a grouping of ENS concepts represented by several business entities that, under a certain theme, or not, showcase an intangible heritage practice or elements that shape the local culinary identity. The opportunity to meet passionate artisans is at the heart of the DESTINATION experience.
A BOUTIQUE is an enterprise that facilitates the direct sale of products resulting from the traditional know-how inherent to a trade. The purchasing experience in a BOUTIQUE is enriched by in-depth knowledge that is shared with visitors. Very often, the BOUTIQUE represents a secondary location outside of a concept.