The story begins one day when Pernilla was sawing reindeer horn buttons to attach to the closures on pewter bracelets and she was struck by the beauty of the horns. So, she started making jewelry out of the beautifully unique material that is reindeer horn. At first, she worked using several different metals, but today she makes her jewelry in silver. As for the skins, that now make up so much of her company’s business, Pernilla's husband's uncle had sheep and they had no use for the skins. Pernilla trained as a tanner so she could use them and give them a new life. Today, Sedum Design is an organic tannery, preparing mainly sheep and reindeer skins, but also from other species. Reindeer horns are used to make beautiful jewelry, and buttons and other fine detailing pieces are sawn, ground and shaped in the workshop.
Visit Pernilla in the organic tannery and learn how reindeer horns are made into jewellery, how animal skins become decorative objects. Learn about the history and culture of reindeer in Scandinavia.
During your visit you will be able to see many objects that Pernilla has crafted. Take the opportunity to buy a unique piece of jewelry or an original accessory for your home.
Vallarvägen 120, 840 97 Bruksvallarna